
Saturday, March 17, 2012

2 Months

1 Month (9 lb, 10 oz. and 22" long):

2 Months (we'll find out stats on Wednesday)

Not only have we hit the 2-month mark, but I return to work on Monday. I can't believe it has been 9 weeks (well 2 weeks at the hospital and 7 weeks at home).

Time really does fly.

As hard as it will be to leave Audrey, I know going back to work will be good for me. With all the changes to my life (mommyhood and heart issues), nothing is the same anymore – so a little normalcy will be good for me.


  1. Audrey has grown so much. She is beautiful and she looks so happy and healthy. I have been thinking of you and your family, hoping all was settling in well with every aspect of your lives. Having Audrey to share cuddles and your life with is always the cherry on the cake.

  2. OK I will be honest I usually avoid baby post and onsies with fake ties sewn to them(please don't be mad) But I hafta say your baby is soooo adorable with the most perfect shaped lil head I've seen in a while!( By awhile I mean 17 yrs ago when my youngest son was born.) ok I'm rambling ...your baby is gorgeous!!!

  3. She's adorable. I hope you are doing better....been thinking of you and checking in regularly.
