
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

6 weeks

I can't believe that Audrey is 6 weeks old. In honor of this milestone, we had a penguin party.

This milestone also means that I've been diagnosed with post-partum cardio myopathy for a little more than 5 weeks. I'm doing better adjusting to my new reality. While the echo I wrote about in my last post didn't go as well as hoped for, I am still improving and I just have to keep reminding myself of that.

Brent and I purchased a treadmill a week ago, so I can stay active. And last Saturday my LifeVest came off, which was the best gift of all.

Thank you so much for all your thoughts and kind words.


  1. Oh my goodness....she's adorable.

    Darn...I was hoping for better news for you. Take care of yourself.

    God Bless

  2. I'm sorry to hear the diagnosis of your health issue. Keep doing what you need to do to improve your health. What a beautiful girl you have -- I'm sure holding her does your heart a world of good.
