
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hallway Photos

I wanted to display photos in the upstairs hallway, but I wanted it done in a modern way. I think so many photo displays have that shabby chic "everything is everywhere" look, and that's fine, but I wanted something with clean lines, without the overall pattern becoming a perfect rectangle or square.

I found exactly what I was looking for in a Martha Stewart Living magazine. While I think she is great, I have never had the desire to copy anything she's done until now. This hallway she did is amazing – I love the solid line going all the way through it.

So last night, after buying a couple more black frames and editing all my photos to black and white, I worked out my game plan.

Once I was done, Brent did all the measurements and hung the photos.

I love the way my hallway looks. The is exactly what I was wanting.


  1. It looks great! I love the back and white.

  2. that looks great!! i love how your dog is overseeing the measurements!

  3. Looks really good! I may have to stash this idea away and copy it in the future ;)

  4. It looks great! You guys are making really good progress!
