
Friday, September 18, 2009

Guest Bedroom: Part 1

This room could possibly be a work in progress for quite some time. There are so many plans that Brent and I have for this room, but we are taking it one paycheck at a time. And currently, those paychecks are being spent in other rooms. I am buying the West Elm duvet cover tomorrow, but that's the last big purchase this room will see for awhile.

For now, it's all about the cheap projects, project #1 is easy and free – painting furniture. The original dresser and nightstands were black, and while I'm fine with black basically everywhere else in the house – I thought it was too dark with the room color, especially since it's in the basement. I thought painting everything white would give the furniture a nice pop.

Dresser before and after:

My goal for the weekend is to finish the nightstands along with paint my garage sale finds from this morning (a post on that to come later).

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