
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Third times a charm (another health update)

I had my third-opinion appointment yesterday, and let's just say it was a major success. This was my first visit to a cardiologist where I didn't cry afterward and then mope around for the rest of the day.

Dr. M specializes in pregnancy and the heart. This includes women with my condition (post-partum/peri-partum cardio myopathy) as well as women with previous heart conditions who want to get pregnant and post-partum heart care. He was extremely informative, and Brent and I felt extremely at ease with him.

He also gave me the fabulous news that he thought I was doing great (even if my heart's ejection fraction is still extremely low). He said the fact that I was feeling good and being active, spoke volumes...and the best thing for PPCM is medical therapy and time.

Starting last night, my "medical therapy" changed. I'm on a new beta blocker (one that won't lower my blood pressure), this way I'll be able to steadily increase my dosage later on. My ace inhibitor has been doubled, and then I'm on a new medicine as well.

I'm excited for the change, and once again have optimism in my journey, which is definitely the best medicine.


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