
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The wet bar project is almost done

Remember the ugly wet bar we had in the basement?

Well, it definitely got a facelift.

The most important task was replacing that dated green countertop with the matching countertop we got for the bar. Unfortunately, pre-made countertops are one of the few things hardware stores will not cut (because of possible splintering), so this was a project Brent got to freehand. Yes, freehand.

Brent did 3 practice cuts on the extra material before starting on the cut. To help prevent splintering, he placed masking tape down the center of the cut.

I think it turned out great. And the best part? We only spent $60 on this update – and that was for the countertop. The mirror is one I bought on clearnace at TJ Maxx 4 years ago, and could never find a home for, and I already had the black paint.

We still have to get a mini fridge for underneath, since the former one was sacrificed for the kegorator. We have some Best Buy gift cards left over from the holidays, so hopefully we'll find something we like there.

And look how well it matches the bar:


  1. Nice! It really does match the bar! It looks really good :)

  2. You both have done an amazing job with the bar from start to end. I dont always comment but do love all of your posts and get totally inspired. I did recently paint our master bedroom for the paint challenge. It is now charcoal with white trim and it looks brilliant. Will send you photos via email when i get the chance as i dont have a blog.

    well done


  3. Bianca – Thanks so much for you comment! I can't wait to see the pictures.

  4. Sweet job....I love it, it will come in handy to. I am having a before and after party going on now, and I do it every other Wednesday. Also on Fridays I host a garage salen party you may be interested in. Hope to see you soon. Debbie

  5. Wow so creative! Nothing like having a bar! Looks great.

  6. What is the wall paint color? I love it with the dark wood and your countertop :)

  7. What is the wall paint color? I love it with the dark wood and your countertop :)

  8. What is the wall paint color? I love it with the dark wood and your countertop :)

  9. What is the wall paint color? I love it with the dark wood and your countertop :)
