
Monday, June 21, 2010

Just Paint It Challenge

It's back!

You know that project involving paint you’ve been putting off? Whether it’s been on hold because of laziness or sheer terror – it doesn’t matter – it’s times to get it done.

So, I have a proposal (yes, it’s so romantic of me). Paint the thing you’ve been putting off – whether it’s trim, a piece of furniture, a fireplace, a room, a floor, cabinets, doors, spray painting some accessories – it doesn’t matter.

The concept is simple – you and I will take the plunge together in painting that thing that's been constantly delayed. Then, on Monday, July 26th – we will have a McLinky-posting extravaganza. (If you have a private blog or don't have a blog – you can send me photos and a description – and I will post it for you.)

What will I be tackling? My half bath. It's so blah, and I'm sick of looking at it.

So seriously guys, who is with me?


  1. I am on board. I have a white kidskraft table that has had a red runner on it for the last several months. The toddler doused it with water, the runner bled all over the table, and now it looks like it is stained with red kool-aid. I think it needs a fresh look! :D

  2. We're taking on the exterior of our house! I cheated and did some of the prep work this weekend ;)

  3. I'm having commitment anxiety already, but I'm in! I have an entry bench and key rack that I've been itching to paint. I really want to get this project started AND finished!

  4. I am still trying to re-do my kitchen cabinets. LOL I attempted to start it forever ago, 'member? I haven't even finished one cabinet door.... I suck!

  5. Okay, I'm in. I have so many things to paint: living room bookcase, daughter's desk (already sanded and ready in the garaged!), back door and kitchen baseboards...more doors...more baseboards.... Anyway, desk first!

  6. I'm in to paint my wood paneling in the family room! We've lived here a year and I keep putting it off because I just don't want to deal with such an intense project.

  7. I'm totally in! Just painted my office last week and refinished a couple of tables to top it off. Can't wait to link up!
