
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Upstairs - Chapter 8 (the hallway)

Ugh, the hallway.

Originally, I had plans of ripping out this carpet when I ripped it out of the office and third bedroom, but then I discovered it was in similar condition to the stairs (unfinished with paint splattered all over it). So, my plans changed, and I decided to suck it up for awhile longer because I wasn't in the mood for another staining project.

This was a great idea in theory, but I quickly got sick of looking at the nasty carpet, so I convinced Brent it would be a nicer eyesore looking at the unfinished hardwoods than the nasty carpet.

I was so right.

Directly after:
Once sanded:
This floor has even been Chip tested and approved:
While I definitely have plans to stain the floors, my only goal is to have it done by August. So when I get it exactly get done is a mystery.


  1. Ha! I love your dog's expression!

    And definitely nicer looking floors unfinished than the stained carpet! Good call :)

  2. I agree! your hall looks much better without the carpet, and your dog is freakin adorable! Can't wait to see your finished project:)

  3. They are going to be gorgeous when you finish- what color are you going to stain them?

  4. Agree...and how cute is that doggie too...made me smile

  5. Thanks everyone! I call Chip my model dog, because he has the classic Westie face.

    Yoga Gal – The floors in the office and third bedroom are that golden color, so I'm going to go with that.

  6. You are really lucky to have that hardwood under the carpet...already an improvement!

  7. I'm sure it will look so good when it does get done. But in the mean time the Westie makes it look
    Have a great week.

  8. It looks alot better, and your dog is so cute!
