
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The man cave – and so it begins...

While Brent and I were cooking dinner last night, he mentioned us needing to make a Home Depot trip this weekend. I gave him a look, and he confirmed my suspicion – it's bar time.

I'm going to admit, I'm excited/fearful for this project. It could go awesomely or err, not so great at all. To help tip the scale in our favor, we decided to find a bar plan we liked and go from there.

We liked this bar for several reasons – the size, the classic layout and of course, the kegerator.

As of now, it looks like the keg portion will be the most expensive part of the bar, but hopefully with the Craigslist searching that can be cut down.

This weekend will consist of buying the materials for the frame. Hopefully then, I will have a productive guy in the basement.

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