
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Another yard post...

I am not one for the outdoors. So it came as a surprise to me, when it seemed the only cure to my recent funk was being outside.

Instead of taking sanity breaks walking around HomeGoods, I have found myself walking around the garden center at Home Depot admiring all the plants and flowers. I’ve found peace being with the flowers, and with my grandpa going on week 3 in ICU, peace of mind is what I need.

So, for the past 2 weeks, I’ve been in my backyard – picking weeds, battling what I thought was weeds, mulching and planting flowers.



Before you get all jealous that I’m done landscaping or start freaking out about the lack of daylilies on that side, please admire this picture:

That’s right – plenty of happy daylilies. And that’s right – plenty of weed picking/mulching left to do.

Seriously, check out all these weeds:


  1. somehow we are twin souls. I TOO take sanity breaks at homegoods! I wish i had thought to name my dag macintosh! ha
    My mom emailed you about the day lillies! I knew she would know what that was!

  2. LG – I love just walking around HomeGoods. I usually don't buy anything. It's just nice to get out, walk around and see what trends are out there.

    Yeah, I'm definitely happy they are flowers are not weeds. I think these flowers will be happier in the sun.

  3. Being out doors in the flower beds is what I went to after having my Brain Anurisum... It realaxed me and I got some sun and fresh air. I'm not jealous of the weeds you have left but I am about you being able to plant flowers already. We can't do that till about mid May. Enjoy and have a wonderful week.

  4. It looks great. I can't wait to landscape my boyfriend's yard this weekend, it's a mess. Your results make me motivated!

  5. That looks faboo! You need to enter this in some before and after blog parties.

  6. We should plan a HomeGoods play date sometime:) I find myslef there about once a week. The yard looks awesome!

  7. Thanks everyone!

    Jolyn – It definitely is peaceful. I know very little about plants and flowers – so it's definitely a learning process for me.

    Suzanne – We totally should. It's so great getting back in touch with you after all this time. :)

  8. I totally Love the outdoors and so winter really depresses me.I am a Summer girl who loves to stay active, so when I am not runnning or lifting weights, you will find me walking the dogs and this past week or so I have been tearing out flower beds,putting in new ones, planting and transplanting and now I am int he process of digging a koi fish pond.I love Homegoods too but unfortunately we don't have one here.:(

  9. Looks great!!

    Yard therapy is the best kind of therapy. :)


  10. Your yard is looking gorgeous! I've been spending my days outside lately too. I love being outside when it's gorgeous weather!
    God's blessings,
    Sarah :D
