
Saturday, March 13, 2010

What Brent bought today

Brent's only been talking about getting a new TV for the family room (so the one in there can be man-caved bound) since, oh, before we actually moved into the house. So it was only a matter of time before he came home with one.

Meet the new TV:
It's a 1080 42" LG. Brent was able to find the exact TV he wanted at Sears and it was a floor model. The thought of buying a floor-model TV had honestly never crossed my mind. That was until we got this TV with a 10% discount and a free 3-year warranty.

Up next – finding a console table for the new TV.


  1. My hubby wanted the tv so bad to. We hung our on the wall and I actually like it as part of the room now.

  2. My husband says "awesome" Living out every man's dream

  3. Yes, when we bought and moved into this home last May, that is the first thing we did..chunk out ALL of the old televisions and buy new flat screens for the rooms.We bought a 1080p 47 inch for the family room and as much as I hate to admit it, it is nice..The man chose the tv but I chose the media cabinet for it.We hung the others on the wall but needed the the cabinet in the FR to hold all of the other electronics too! Tell Brent..congrats!! LOL


  4. Oh my. Men and their toys. My hubby is looking to get a 42" TV, too. Have fun console shopping!

  5. Pine Tree Home – We definitely have been debating mounting it to the wall. Since the console table we bought is taller though, I think it will work on that. At least for now. :)

    Susan – Jealous! All of our TVs have been replaced now except for one. The man cave will have 2 TVs (the big one in the sitting area and a small one in the future bar area) – it's the small one that is left. Maybe a discussion of that TV will motivate Brent to start working on the bar?

    Shel – Tell me about it. When I bought a new TV in college, set up consisted of just plugging it in. Now there are so many gadgets involved – I just stay out of it.
