
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Quarterly Review

Sometime in January, I got too confident with my door and trim painting skills – I said I could have everything done by the end of March. Ha!

When I set this goal, I thought doors and trim would be my only task for those 3 months. Well, let’s just say, I’m awesome at getting distracted…

Organizing the cleaning closet:
Ripping out carpet in 2 rooms and putting in quarter round:

Organizing the office closet:
Redoing the office:

And what am I doing now? Painting the fireplace.

I must admit, I have always been like this – starting project after project when the original project isn’t even done. I feel in some way this makes me work harder, but I lack any logical explanation on the whys and hows.

I do hope though, for my next quarterly review I can say that the doors and trim are finally done.

Click here to see how I’m doing overall with my 2010 home goals.


  1. I have to laugh because I do thsi exact thing..or perhaps I should say I have been doing this since last may when I started my remodel..I attribute it to being not only type A but also ADHD..What can ya do?? GO WITH THE FLOW!! Keep on keepin on are doing great!

  2. I too am guilty for the exact thing. Either way your projects look awesome.. Now I want to work on our office!

  3. Glad to know I'm not alone in my home-improving logic – I am pretty sure Brent thinks I'm nuts. ;)

  4. I am over here from the DIY Showoff- and I love your office makeover. I am digging the patterns that you used, totally clicking the Follow button! :)

  5. I wonder why I am like that. I think it has to do with being ABLE TO. At work, I always meet deadlines, but at home, I let them linger.
