
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Design Time: "Glamour: Making it Modern"

When I go to the library I’m guilty of forgetting non-fiction books are also housed there. I get very into my routine of running in, picking up my books on hold and then leaving right away. So when I remember things like cookbooks and interior designs books are also available, I get in my “this is the best idea ever” mode.

I’m excited to report that I checked out my first interior-design books ever. (I know, it was a big day for me).

The book I was most excited about is “Glamour: Making It Modern” by Michael Lassell, which is a collection of Metropolitan Home goodies. As you can probably tell from my living room, I’m a slight fan of the style.

If you aren’t familiar with the modern-glam style, I think interior designer Michael Berman describes it best

“When a client says ‘glamour,’ it’s code for ‘Design our home so people will swoon when they visit.’”

While I didn’t actually learn anything new about the glamour style in the text, the pictures were amazing. Here’s a few of my favorites:

Do you have any favorite design or organization books? I'd love to hear about them.


  1. LOVE the photo display in that spiral staircase.I have too many desgin/decorating books to mention but my favorites always involve mixing the traditional with contemporary.To me this keeps it fresh and young but still classic without being stuffy!


  2. i just have to say that i love love love the library (it'e like shopping for free!) and i also reserve books so i only dash in and dash out when they call that my book is ready.
