
Sunday, February 7, 2010

We have a floater

It's morning and I'm tired, so yes, that's the best I could do I this entry's title.

After much floating shelf debate, I ended up going with the shelves at Lowes. I wanted a thick shelf for 2 reasons – I wanted the shelf to stand out and I wanted to put heavy things on it without worrying about them crashing to the ground. And for $80 plus tax, I think my goal has been accomplished.

My shelf accessories aren't finalized yet, but that's what I had around the house – so that's how it will be for now.

In other living room news – the rug should be arriving within the next several days. I am so excited. This room is finally coming together, and I am loving it.


  1. they look awesome! can't wait to see it in person. My fave thing about floating shelves is that you can always change up the arrangement.

  2. The shelves and the accessories look great. The mix of black and white with a little bling here and there make it mirror a magazine page. Great job.

  3. Looks great! And, I like your title :)
