
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Guest Bedroom: Part 2 and 3

The nightstands are finally finished. They sucked to paint, but it was definitely worth it.

Before and After:

And more importantly, the duvet! I picked it up yesterday with the 10% discount. I absolutely love it. I'm kind of sad not to be working on the guest bedroom anymore, because there's so much I still want to do to it (upgrade to queen-size bed, make a fabric headboard, etc), but with the living room sofa coming on Thursday, that will be my new room of focus.

The duvet:


  1. it looks fabulous! I know how you feel, I was so sad when I was pretty much done with our guest room as I had so much fun working on it. I know if I add anything else to it it will be overkill!

  2. Thanks! I'm sure come Thursday, I'll be so busy with the living room that I'll forget I even have a guest bedroom, but I figure until then I can mourn my loss. ;)

    Glad to see I fixed the comments so you can finally post.

  3. Looks great! I really love those nightstands...where did you find them?

    And I totally agree with your idea to paint the furniture white, it really lightens up the room!

  4. Thanks! I actually got the nightstands off eBay. There are still a bunch of them on there though. When you're in the nightstand search, just type "black" and you'll find them there.

  5. It looks great Ashley! I can't wait for part 3 of 3 :)
