With as much as I love decorating, I still have yet to figure out why the only holiday I acknowledge decorwise is Christmas.
Don't get me wrong, I love the fall – but not enough to put pumpkins and acorns all over my house. I'm not bias against the fall – I feel the same way about 4th of July, Easter, Valentine's Day, etc. I've just never walked into a store, and seen a fall wreath and thought "yes please."
Maybe I put so much energy and effort into decorating for Christmas each year that I can't summon the strength to seasonally decorate until the following Christmas, maybe it's because I don't have kids, or maybe I'm just bah humbug about non-Christmas holidays.
Each year, when others are so excitedly buying Halloween and Thanksgiving decor, I try to figure out why I have zero interest in doing the same. At one point I thought I had a solid theory – colors. Fall colors don't go with my decor palette, so therefore I don't do it. And Christmas works because I'm all about green, silver and white. This theory was quickly shattered though when I realized this should mean I'm passionate about St. Patrick's Day.
At this point, I'm out of theories, and I'm okay with that. I'd rather spend my money things I can keep out all year long anyway (or what I'm currently spending all my money on – going to a chiropractor 3 times a week*).
I enjoy fall in my own way – with pumpkin bread and pumpkin beer. It's the perfect about of fall for me.
* Yep, my back and neck are that special. Although, next week I do graduate to only 2 appointments a week. My adjustments are going great so far, and my weekly headache count quickly decreasing.